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8 Ways to Take Dogs on Bikes

2023-08-28 17:43| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Yes, this is all about cute-overload. But if you're a regular cyclist and have a dog as your very best friend, the question will eventually hit you: How can you take your pooch along for the ride? Whether you don't want to leave Fluffy alone, are hitting a park that's not around the corner, or need transport for an elderly dog too frail to walk, situations come up where running beside you just doesn't work. From extended bike frames with large boxes to little baskets to no accessory at all, here are 11 options for taking dogs of different sizes and levels of training with you. And mark your calendars: Sunday, April 24 is the International Day Of The Dog, a date instituted by Jan Fennell to encourage dog owners to give a little extra attention to their animal friends.






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